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Tuesday 13 December 2011

Tired of Work

You can see from these last two posts that I am starting to feel a little low.

Its work!

I feel like I am not appreciated as much for what I do. I love being there and love being around everyone. I have some great colleagues, but since I started there...I dont feel like anyone really gets how hard it is being a mother and working full time. I rely heavily on my mother for childcare so I tend to get in early so I can leave early....But I feel like my colleagues are not taking too kindly to this 'coming and going' approach because if I go early, then it means that one of the other 3 will have to stay until the close (5:15pm) - I always set Thursday work day aside so I can work over and I don't mind that the others go before me. I sit at my desk until the lights go out and catch up - or ensure that I am up to date with my workload before I leave.

I currently do 4 days (30 hours condensed) so don't work Fridays, so I always work the Thursday as a long day - partly to make sure I am up to date before Monday...and partly to make sure my colleagues have fair chance to go home earlier one of the nights. I know it may not be appreciated but it is the best I can do. My mother looks after Ethan from 8am until I get home, which is past 4:30pm most nights and I cant rely on my hubby to pick our son up all the time as he works longer than me.

I think the problem in the office lies with the fact that the majority of the people there either have NO kids...or their kids are all grown up. I am the only one (at the minute) who has infants to take into consideration too. They want to think themselves lucky, because if Ethan was in a creche full time, then I would probably have to leave early everyday to make sure that I got to pick him up!

This post is more of a rant. I feel a bit better just writing it out. That is why I want to keep this blog as anonymous as possible. I would never want anyone to take offence to anything that I have wrote because I don't mean anything personally. This is just a way for me to hone my writing skills and to give me a chance to get things off of my saves me balling at people and having pointless, non-intended arguments!

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