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Tuesday 13 December 2011


Being on maternity leave was sometimes a bit boring....the baby stuff was amazing and still is...but once the baby was down then I found I had little to do.

There were only so many times that I could walk the town. Money was tight because of the maternity pay so I couldn't spend anything in the shops anyway. So, I took up entering competitions. I have entered probably over 500 comps in the last 7 months and the prizes are for various different things.

I have entered cash comps, car comps, Ipod comps....literally anything! I have entered.

So far, I have won make-up, cup-cake mixtures, books, a free haircut and vouchers.

Nothing major I hear you say, but I don't really do a lot to enter. There are no fees paid, no junk mail in inbox. Its simply filling in an online form and then that's it.

I was very sceptical at first, but I am a bit more believing that I can win now. Even if I win something that isn't what I want...I have family or friends who could take the item off my hands...if not...There is always Ebay!

I read online that comping is actually a job which people do as a full-time thing. I think I would seriously need to win BIG if I wanted to justify giving up work so I could sit in front of the laptop all day. I have done maybe an hour in one go one night of entering competitions and I got nowhere.....

I don't think I am that dedicated to it.

I don't mind entering the odd competition....because you never know...I may win. But I don't think it would be a brilliant career move.

Maybe I should stick with work and my photography. :S

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