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Tuesday 13 December 2011

Tired of Trying Too Hard

There are those people in everyone's life who we try to please constantly. Whether it be our parents, siblings, friends or colleagues, we are always looking for their approval in matters that should concern us and only us.

Before I had my son, I never had this problem very much, although there were times when I thrived for a piece of pride from my mother...but it never really bothered me.

Now though, I feel like I am looking for confirmation from those close to me that I am doing a good job. And why do I need that?

Its my life and I KNOW that I am doing a good job, but I feel like I need to hear it - at least just once or twice so I can believe it. I think I feel that I am going to fail and do a bad job...there are times when I look at E and cant believe that I have created him (with the help of the hubby obviously) - He is amazing and everything I could have ever hoped for. Every moment with him is treasured and I love that he is mine!

I guess I need to relax more and accept that I am a good mother and that other people's approval isn't needed.

I just wish I could believe what I write!

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