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Wednesday 7 December 2011

Meaty Queen Employee

Pseudonym used for the actual Fast Food Restaurant in case someone should think what I am saying is slander!

I left Meaty Queen after the stark realisation hit me that I was literally working for peanuts! Every week my money looked more diminished than the last…and being 19 years of age, then I didn’t really argue it. You see, we were paid cash in hand….no money in bank account when you worked there….and as the shifts were varied (5 hours on Monday, a full day Tuesday…then 2 hours on Wed) then it seemed to add up. They literally had you working when THEY wanted and paid you what THEY wanted!

So….bored out of my skull from the work, I made the decision to up and leave….but me being me….I couldn’t do it the normal ’here’s my notice’ kind of way.

I made up a story! – Now don’t ask me why I did this, because it really doesn’t make any sense now…but I told them that I was heading off to pastures new to a university in Bradford…the manager fell for it and offered to keep my job open for me if things didn’t work out.
Great! I was leaving the job I now loathed (mainly because of that woman) and the job was open for me if I couldn’t find anything else...So off I went. I left (No leaving present for me)…I hardly got a ‘goodbye’!
Three weeks passed and I still didn’t find another job…so I gave up the ghost and went back to MQ with my tail between legs….I asked if I could get my job back and they took me back there and then, with starting the very next day….and starting in the kitchen.

Funny thing though…after the first day back, I knew I wanted out…

Being on the ‘dole’ was better than this job, so I dreamt as I worked of other job roles I could do….anything and everything looked better than my future in Meaty Queen.

I left after 3 weeks, didn’t give any notice, just walked out after my last shift and payday….and I never went back.

But before I left…a funny thing happened in the same week…

We lived in a flat where you had to lock the front door from the inside and outside. It was like a normal door with a keyhole…you locked it on the outside otherwise people would be able to walk in….so this one day my boyfriend Stewart (now my hubby) went to work and locked the door from the outside as normal….I was still in bed. I got up, got dressed and started making my way out of the flat to go to work…but then I realised my keys weren’t near the door….I searched the flat for them…before realising that they were in Stewart’s pocket…I was locked in. I couldn’t get out because the door had been locked and the only way to open it was to have a key….I didn’t have one! :S

I had no credit on my phone so I had to wait impatiently for someone to call me… Luckily my brother Adrian called me before my shift started and I asked him to call my work for me. He called them, explained the situation and all the manager did was laugh. He thought I was making up some lavish excuse just so I could have the day off….!! This was not the case! I was rather annoyed to say the least because I had never had a day off….and I had slaved away on the sweaty burger station for weeks and for what? To be laughed at?

I think I made the decision there and then that I wasn’t going to stay at MQ – so a couple of days later, after putting up with smart remarks from the manager, John, I left the establishment after picking up my £66.77p pay packet for the week and never looked back.

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