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Saturday 16 October 2010

Pregnancy Highs and Lows

So, I am now four and a half months pregnant and my stomach is starting to take on a more rounded shape, but its still not looking pregnant-fied. At least not for me. Some people have mentioned that I am starting to show, but I cant wait to have my perfectly rounded tum so I can take a photo.

My sickness left me about 3-4 weeks ago, which was when i was roughly around 14-15 weeks pregnant. The relief was immense. For about 5-6 weeks, I was sick every single day and couldnt eat much at all, although I tried constantly to eat whatever I could. I knew I had to keep myself healthy and needed to feed the baby, but it was so difficult. The day it stopped, I woke up as normal and sat up slowly, not wanting to have the dizzy rushing feeling that occurs when I get up too quick. I had already noticed that i didnt have the horrible, chalky sick taste at the back of my throat, but tried not to get over excited at possible 'None Sickness'.

By the end of the day, I had still not been sick. I had moments of nausea but there had been no vomiting and I was so happy. Finally, it was leaving me. I could actually enjoy being pregnant a bit more.

Or at least i thought.

Sickness went. But along came heartburn, backache and headaches. Dont get me wrong, i prefer these to sickness. I hate being sick, but i hoped that by the time I entered my second trimester, then I would be full of life and dancing around like I wasnt pregnant.

I am not 18 weeks. I have had some days where I did feel better than others, but I am always tired. Exhaustion from work, exhaustion from cleaning the apartment and exhaustion from lying down. But, despite all the bad moments, I am so happy to be pregnant. I have been buying the odd things here and there, wanting to ensure that I had everything I need for when my bundle of joy appears.

The next moment I am eagerly waiting for is the movement of my child. I have read and heard that it can happen anytime after the 16th week. I have had some slight fluttering moments, but nothing solid which I can blame the baby for. My sister is pregnant too and her baby started kicking around about her 21st week, so I am looking forward to when my pregnancy feels even more real.

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