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Tuesday 24 August 2010

Morning Sickness Sucks!!!

So, the last time I wrote was over a month ago. There is a reason for that, its not because I am bone idol.....It is because my morning sickness has started and it has took hold and shook me around.

It is terrible. For the past 4-5 weeks, I have been sick everyday, at least twice a day! I cant eat anything I want, I have to be picky and only eat the stuff I really fancy, either that or I am stuck with my head down the loo, which is not a pretty sight.

My hubby has been golden and has ventured out at all hours to buy me Big Macs (big craving) or Custard slices. He knows that I can only eat the things I really really fancy and if its not in, then he goes off out to get it for me.

I love being pregnant, but at the moment I dont feel like I can enjoy it properly. I was excited about morning sickness starting because I wanted to experience everything, but 5 weeks of nausea and vomiting has finally worn me down. I feel sick from morning until night and despite what I eat, I am still sick at least twice a day. Some of my friends who are moms advise me that this stage will pass once I am about 12-14 weeks. I cant wait!

At the moment, without being dated properly, I am calculated as about 11 weeks. Next week is my scan, which I am looking forward to. I will actually see my baby for the first time. Its exciting. :D But hoping that they dont put me back to much, I know I will probably have a week or so knocked off, but going backwards when I am trying to battle the sickness is something I am not looking forward to. At the moment, I have about 2-3 weeks to go before my sickness SHOULD go....but if i am dated at only 9 weeks instead of 12 at my scan, that means I will have to endure a lot more of this.......

I know all this will be worth it in the end, but I am realising that this part of pregnancy doesnt suit me. I hope the rest is a bit easier. I can cope with pain or aches.....but sickness.....Nooooo, I just cant wait for me to be at my sisters stage.
She is now over 5 months and she is eating everything in sight. She is hungry all the time...No sickness whatsoever......

Not long to go..... :S


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