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Tuesday 17 May 2011

Im a Mommy!

So much has happened since my last entry. I have failed to be interested in writing, especially once I started getting further along in my pregnancy!

The rest of my pregnancy went without hitch really, I was tired a LOT of the time and still had mornings when I could throw up! Morning sickness had still found a way of clinging on regardless of how I felt about it!

Cravings were stronger, but not for anything specific, at least not at first. For a long time, I just wanted to eat anything and everything in sight. If I saw a chocolate bar or some sort of food on television, then I had to have it. Even if it meant sending my poor hubby out to fetch it for me.

As i got into my sixth month, I started feeling more and more tired. The walk to work, the whole five minutes of it, was such a chore everyday. Dragging myself out of bed was even harder! All i wanted was to lie down and sleep! All the time! I could sleep 12 hours and still want more!

I guess my body was starting to tell me that it needed me to slow down! And I failed to listen, still doing the housework and going to work, I was wearing my poor body out!

My baby started kicking just after the 23 weeks, exactly on the 23 weeks actually. I was told that I should be feeling him move everyday after this point and he started exactly on this point! Ha, He was going to move only when HE was ready!

And I say HE, because thats what I was having! On my 2nd scan I was told that I was having a boy (only 70% of course certainty). Myself and my husband felt a little bit of disappointment. We had built our hopes up on having a daughter. I dont know why i felt that I was having a girl, but we discussed girls names a number of times, but never really mentioned boys. After a moment of disappointment, i started to feel guilty!

I was having a son and I felt disappointed! I spent weeks talking to my belly after this and convincing our son that we did love him. And as time drew on, the fact that he was a boy mattered very little. In fact, I was happy to be having a son once we got out the scan room. Myself and my hubby told our familys and I facebooked my news! We were having a son!

Now, what shall we call him?

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