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Monday, 27 May 2013

Smoother Waters....

So....the issue with E's hair fizzled out slowly.

I rang my mom after my last post and basically unloaded onto her. I told her that me and S had been arguing and that he was annoyed over the hair cutting of our son. Surprisingly, she was a lot calmer too. She had been thinking about what she had done and admitted that she had done wrong and apologised profusely about doing it.

I asked her if she had been pressured by my nan. She told me that she hadnt been and I could tell that she was telling me the truth. My mom told me that E's hair was in his eyes and she thought she was doing the right thing. I spoke with her for nearly an hour and we cleared the air. I told her how I felt, she told me how she felt and I felt a lot better. I explained that me and S had been arguing about it and she was understanding when I said that S didnt want to see her right now because of what had happened. I was expecting her to be annoyed about that, but she took it on board and said she didnt mind. I asked her to come round when she was ready and we hugged it out when she got to mine. 

The next battle was talking with S.

But I text him everything that we had spoke about and informed him that my mom had told him that she loved him. He warmed throughout the day as I spoke and came to pick me up from my parents home that evening.

The relief I felt was unbelievable......I was happy that things were over.

And amazingly, S talks to my mom more now than he ever did. It feels like this drama has been like a bit of a 'broke the ice' scenario.

E's hair was still terrible, but it resulted in us taking him to the barbers for the first time. He wasn't too happy when the clippers came out, but the end result was too too cute. :))

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