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Tuesday 6 December 2011

Life or Something Like It...

People go through life looking for that ‘something else’ to make us happy. Whether it is you’re true love that you are after or the perfect job…or even wanting a big house. We all want something else.

Me? I have been happy in my job for a long time. I work as a Caseworker in the local authority and deal with disabled grants. I deal with the public on a daily basis and have to be both charismatic and trustworthy to allow people to respect me. We provide adaptations to those in the Walsall borough that need them. It could be anything from stairlift installations to ground floor bathing extensions with level access showers. Dealing with people on a daily basis means that I have to keep smiling and remain positive…and this….even for me (Nicknamed Smiler by a few) can be hard!

For 6 years this job has been great. I started here as a temp in May 2005. I had signed up for office work after having a stern word with myself about responsibility and ‘money’. I had done many jobs before this one, but it was only jobs which, in my opinion, didn’t measure up to much.

I had a cleaning job for 6 years which lasted me through college and afterwards. I started this when I was 16 and worked with both my Mother and my Nan and I will admit that I wasn’t the most forthcoming when it came to this job. I was quite welcome to the ‘help’ I received from my elders….and by help I mean that they pretty much did my share and I got paid for it….Not one of my proudest moments….but I was 16 and didn’t want to be there…But I wanted extra pocket money to buy clothes so I had no choice. The work involved us cleaning in a busy accounting company called BDO. It was in a huge 17 storey building that over looks Walsall. The lift was always shaky under feet when you got in it and my Nan would go pale from the feel of it. We would start each shift the same…take off our coats, pile them on top of the ‘Post Out’ tray and then stop by the coffee machine for a quick drink (It was hard work coming up in that lift) – My Nan and Mom would have a hot drink and I would have a cheap tasting diet coke…it was as flat as roadkill!

After our beverages then we would get onto cleaning….but this usually meant me hanging around and taking longer than the others and needing help at the end! This job lasted 6 years! I started college after I started it and met Stewart. We were fast friends. He made me laugh and started dating a year later….and moved in together a year after that, it’s a move I regret even now! I am still with Stewart so its not getting with him that I regret…but the moving in together when we were still kids….that bit I regret. We got into so much debt, because we didn’t understand money or responsibility. We used to waste so much of our money and the majority was wasted on KFC! It was literally 5 minutes walk away from the flat we lived so we got quite familiar in there….I remember once having a days work as a cleaner at someone’s home. They were after someone to clean for them and my mom already did it…..I went to get shown the ropes by my mom…and the lady gave me £20. Now me and Stew were skint! So this money would have gone far and would have brought us a LOT of meals until we got out jobseekers money….but I got off the bus near KFC and spent £12.50 on two Large Fillet Tower Burger Meals – Very nice! But the change from the £20 didn’t last very long!

Again….not a proud moment.

But I was 19 and wasn’t interested in the flat or money….I just wanted to have fun…but I didn’t think of this BEFORE I got my own flat…only afterwards. We were on and off jobseekers allowance a lot! Neither of us was happy working, we wanted to do better for ourselves and wanted to do more with the qualification that we had gained at college (GNVQ Advanced Media and Communication) but we weren’t prepared to make do in the meantime….we were happy sitting around in the flat doing SWEET FA! – We weren’t great at tidying up either so the flat always looked like a junk fest. It wasn’t dirty, it was just extremely untidy! – When I look back, then I can see that me and Stew were happy with each other, but not with the situation…but we failed to do anything about it. For 6 years we lived in that flat before we were finally made to leave….we built up rent and council tax arrears and the Landlord had had enough! – We had to move out in a hurry before the tenancy team boarded up the door… we moved out and moved into Stews parents!

That was not fun!

During my time at college and at the flat in the Chuckery….(about 8 years altogether) I had done many cleaning jobs, some in shops, some in peoples homes….I had one in a bank! – I also did other jobs like shop work, etc; I worked for a couple of months at Burger King in Walsall as a Crew Member!

Now that was an experience!!!!

What a lovely establishment that is!

So lovely…that I ended up NOT going back in for food for a LONG time afterwards!!!

That will be a separate Blog! It will need it!

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