For years I have striven to find my niche in life and have gone from one dream to another, but one love that always stuck with me is fiction.
To read a book and to drown in its deep pages is to take yourself away from this world. Life can sometimes get a bit hectic and a bit 'samey' so to know that there are hidden worlds and other lives in the pages of a good novel is enough to tear me away for just a few hours.
As a child, I used to sit and write short stories, the type of stories which would involve princesses and goblins and evil witches. And if I wasnt writing, then I would be reading from one of my nan's many books in her library. At the age of 7, I was reading Treasure Island, The Snow Spider and many more. My brother and cousins would race around the garden, throwing dirt clumps into the air and having themselves a whale of a time. All this went on whilst i lazed around on the picnic blanket and lost myself in a world full of pirates and mystical creatures. As I got older, I turned my attention to biographies and short stories and discovered one of my favourite books lying in the deepest book shelf in my nan's apartment. Anne Frank's Diary. I read it from cover to cover, tears streaming down my face as I read of the tragic life of this young, intelligent girl.
For years I have changed my idea of career goals. Going from veternarian to photographer, from television presenter to fashion designer and then to cook. But through all of these changes, one thing remained constant. My love for words and writing. I read books daily, going from biographies and fiction. Despite my odd couple of short stories I may have written, I had never considered that my dream job (the actual one) was to be a proffessional writer. I have so much admiration for all of the writers out there who like me love the power of the 'word' and who marvel us in many ways with their fantastic stories and wonderful imaginations.
I studied at college and completed a GNVQ Advanced Media course. In this course, my best work was always with the creative. Whether it be preparing scripts for television or producing screenplays. It was there that I discovered my hidden dream, the one I had denied myself for so long. Since then I have entered competitions and have recently enrolled in a Comprehensive Writing Course with the Writers Bureau. I am not entirely confident enough to think that I could ever get my work published, but I am certain that I am going to try my hardest. I have a number of ideas for stories and long for the day that my book sits proudly on my nan's bookshelf amongst the over-read, battered covers of Treasure Island and Anne Frank.
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