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Friday, 25 April 2014

Update 2014

Hi Fellow Bloggers!

It's been a while again since I updated so here I am.

So, my reduced hours have been going fantastically. It's been amazing in fact. I start work at 8:30am and finish at 1:30pm which leaves plenty of afternoon time for me and Ethan to spend time together. I've loved every second, but unfortunately I only have a month left until this current voluntary reduced time ends. You see if you have vrt for longer than 12 months then it has to remain your permanent hours, but I don't want to have that option taken away from me.

Another bit of news is that I am expecting our second child.....and our last! I am currently 4 months pregnant and have just finally got past the horrible 3+ months of terrible immobilizing morning sickness. It almost killed me......that is just me being dramatic, but was bad! That in itself will make going back full time a bit of a chore, but it's just for 3 months. I will then be starting my maternity leave, so it shouldn't be too bad. :))

Photography work has obviously been less this year. I couldn't do a lot during my horrible sickness stages and I have limited what I have booked in during the wedding season as I don't want to have to let people down. Although my last job is booked for 30th August (which is less than a month before my due date..... :S)

The drama has died down a little although i do sometimes allow myself to get stressed out about people around me. Friends, non friends, family....they can all play a part in causing me worry, stress and un-needed drama......I tell myself to forget them and just focus on my family, but it doesn't work. I care too much about what people think of me....or don't think of me. I contemplate every single conversation or crossed word! I get paranoid and over-sensitive about everything! I worry that people don't like me, I worry that nobody actually cares. I thrive on kind words and praise!

I'm ranting....again. I will update a bit more regular, I think I need to unload more often :)

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